Sunday, August 29, 2004

Welcome To The "Michelle Malkin Is A Stupid Cunt" Blog

We thought about it for a week, and we decided that we could not let another day pass without making up a blog devoted to ripping apart every stupid word she writes in her columns and on her own blog.

Chris Matthews already did some damage to her when he caught her in a bunch of fabrications on Hardball last Thursday. Here's where we'll continue where Chris let off.

And if Ms. Malkin happens to catch wind of this, well, here's some advice, lady... quit while you're ahead. I hear Chuck E. Cheese is hiring. Stupid cunt.


At March 4, 2013 at 5:22 PM, Blogger The Emerald Fox said...

The mere fact that someone felt the need to start this site is beyond ridiculous, and says more about whatever coward started it than Michelle Malkin.
The Democratic party claims to be tolerant.. Yet, they are the most intolerant towards those who hold views they disagree with. They claim to embrace groups like minorities, the LGBT community. But if a member of one of those communities is a Conservative Republican, they get attacked in the most brutally vicious manner.
They claim to be the party that respects women the most, touting how they give women the ability to make their own choices. You're all about being Pro-Choice, unless a woman chooses to be a Conservative, in which case she is a cunt.
Why call her a "cunt" of all things? Because you know it's the worst thing to call any woman.
Bravo! You are exactly what you claim to hate: a sexist bigot. Yet you probably surround yourself with politically like-minded people, that not one of them would speak up and tell you that calling any woman a "cunt" is downright dispicable.
Instead, they probably laughed and commended you for your little joke-blog calling Michelle Malkin a cunt.
How would you feel if someone said that any female member of your family was a "cunt" - or started a blog about it and letting it live on the Internet forever? Oh, that wouldn't be funny to you? Why is that?
- Michelle Malkin may just be a conservative woman,one whom you don't even know in reality, yet have deemed her to be a 'cunt.' But, she has family and friends who care about her. Oh wait, I almost forgot that you guys generally don't even treat conservatives as real people.
A female Conservative who's frequently attacked online with comments like "burn in Hell" - "kill yourself" - has had many online threats of violence and sexual attacks like "I'll skull f*** you after I stab your bi**h ass to death." and has been called every bad name in the book by "tolerant people." (Usually after she merely mentions she's a Conservative, without even making one single political remark.)
And yet, I highly doubt if someone even reads this, they'll realize how damaging this kind of behavior is...


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