Sunday, August 29, 2004

Something's Off Balance Here (Besides Michelle Malkin, That Is)...

We might as well start off the festivities at The Michelle Malkin Is A Stupid Cunt Blog by dissecting her latest mini-post that she did this morning, where she tries to break any established ties between John O'Neill and the Swift Boat Liars and the BC04 campaign.

O'Neill claims that he voted for Al Gore in 2000, called President Bush an "empty suit" to friends, and would support Sen. John Edwards had be been running for president. And yet Senator John Kerry's critics, Bush included, have the nerve to call Kerry a flip-flopper?

However, one of the articles Michelle Malkin tries to use to justify defending O'Neill's false claim of impartiality is a Washington Post article that reveals that O'Neill has had a hard-on for Kerry since the then-future-Senator came back from his second tour of duty in Vietnam and told the American People, "Hey, you know what? I just did two tours of duty over there, and quite frankly, we don't belong there in the first place. We're wasting manpower on a wild goose chase." (Sound familiar?)

Dumb move, Michelle. Did you really think that anyone with at least 110 IQ points wouldn't read THE ENTIRE ARTICLE rather than just notice the link and say to themselves, "Duhhh, there's one of them there links to the Washington Post, that Malkin broad has got to be telling the truth then."

Welcome To The "Michelle Malkin Is A Stupid Cunt" Blog

We thought about it for a week, and we decided that we could not let another day pass without making up a blog devoted to ripping apart every stupid word she writes in her columns and on her own blog.

Chris Matthews already did some damage to her when he caught her in a bunch of fabrications on Hardball last Thursday. Here's where we'll continue where Chris let off.

And if Ms. Malkin happens to catch wind of this, well, here's some advice, lady... quit while you're ahead. I hear Chuck E. Cheese is hiring. Stupid cunt.